Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this*

industries in which we've worked:


Fast moving with new trends constantly emerging, the cybersecurity industry demands quick decision making and forward looking marketing.  It's always a challenge to come up with something new, and outshine your competitors. Let us add our experience and ideas to yours.



Everybody's talking about the cloud these days.  It's a simple concept that becomes so, so complicated. And everybody's "in the cloud" these days.  We can advise on cliche overload, how to avoid fluffiness, and how to demonstrate the solidity of your cloud offering.

Information technology

The IT industry has its particular quirks and peculiarities. From legacy to log files, mainframes to malware, content to compliance, it really helps to have somebody who's worked in the industry and can cut through the noise to get quickly to what's important for your success.

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Wearable Technology

With predictions of 411 million smart wearable devices, worth a staggering $34 billion, to be sold in 2020 (CCS Insight), the wearable technology industry is still hot. We've seen it grow since the early days and there are new exciting technologies coming along all the time.

Sustainable Transport

Getting people out of their cars to help the environment isn't an easy sell.  We have worked with central London organisations to promote walking and cycling, and nationwide to encourage better transport choices and support from employers and town planners.



With experience as both a marketer and an instructor within the fitness industry, we can advise on reaching your public to get them up and moving. The NHS faces huge financial problems as a result of the increase in ill health due to obesity, smoking and physical inactivity. We help organisations both public and private to get the message out.

* Henry Ford. We at Great Fit Marketing are definitely bigger and better for the rich experiences working in these industries (good and bad!).